Marine station – Pangandaran
Marine station – Biawak
Island Indramayu
Student learning activities are carried out in laboratories and the field to support student skills. Practicum can be done on campus or outside the campus. This activity is monitored by the teaching assistant, laboratory staff, and lecturer. The Marine Science Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University, carries out learning processes (in classes and laboratories) in Jatinangor Campus and several other field stations. These stations include Mangrove Station (MS), Indramayu (122 km from Jatinangor Campus) and Bonpies Islands (BI), Indramayu (150 km from Jatinangor Campus). MS and BI implement marine technology and research development for shallow seas. All staff members and students are allowed to utilize these facilities for independent research or collaboration with various agencies (government and private sectors) within the scope of marine development.
Trial Pool Ciparanje